
Warning Signs

Warning Signs

The Warning Signs of Student Distress and Troubled or Inappropriate Behavior


  • Caring less about personal performance
  • Recent drop in grades, missed classes, poor attendance, repeated tardiness
  • Talking/writing about suicide or violence toward others
  • Unruliness and disrespect of College authorities
  • Abrupt changes or wide variations in mood; angry and hostile, overactive and excitable or withdrawn and passive
  • Increasing secrecy about actions, friend possessions
  • Stealing, lying
  • Giving away possessions
  • Coming to class intoxicated
  • Decreased concentration
  • Increased disorganization


  • Smell of alcohol on breath
  • Bloodshot or watery eyes
  • Dilated or constricted pupils

When to Contact Counseling

  • A student is depressed
  • A student is unable to control emotions and/or behavior
  • A student's weight and/or eating behavior is of concern
  • A student's substance use is of concern
  • A student appears to be in an abusive relationship
  • A student is having difficulty grieving a loss
  • Or whenever you are concerned about a student, even if you are unclear about what's going on with the student and/or what your specific concerns may be

To report violations of Student Code of Conduct, contact:

For safety issues, contact:

  • College Police Non-Emergency Phone: 480-784-0900
  • College Police Emergency Phone: 480-784-0911

To refer a student to Counseling or to discuss a student with Emotional/Mental issues, contact:

  • Roberto Villegas-Gold - Director of Counseling, 602-285-7392